Songkick (YC S07) Reaches 10M Monthly Fans and 100M Revenue

by Y Combinator5/27/2014

Congrats Songkick!

Songkick is now hooking up over 10 million unique fans every month with their favourite artist – whether it’s at a wild west watering hole in Joshua Tree, a moored boat in Bristol, or a 2000 year old Roman amphitheatre.

When looking back to where we started, it’s amazing that in April over 10 million fans used Songkick. That’s a positive impact on not just fans, it’s about artists too – those 10 million fans bought tickets for shows they wouldn’t have known about otherwise. With over 70% of the average artist’s income coming from live performances, we’re proud to have become an important partner to the artists we love.

Read more on the Songkick blog


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