Welcome Garry and Aaron

by Alexis Ohanian1/23/2012

Y Combinator is pleased to announce two new venture partners, Garry Tan and Aaron Iba.  They’re both YC alumni, both formidable hackers, and both really nice people.

Garry was one of the founders of Posterous, which we funded in 2008. He’s one of those rare individuals who can both design and program. Garry started out as YC’s designer in residence, but we and the startups we funded found him so valuable that we recruited him to work for YC full time.

Aaron was one of the founders of Appjet, probably better known as Etherpad, which we funded in 2007 and was acquired by Google in 2009.  He’s one of the best hackers among the YC alumni, so we’re delighted we were able to get him for YC itself.


  • Alexis Ohanian