

Get your product idea to market in weeks

From idea-stage startups to established companies, we are transforming your idea into a marketable product fast and efficiently. Your product will be in the good hands of a talented team devoted to your success. You will forget all about scarce or overwhelmed developer resources. We accelerate the product development process using our hybrid platform (no-code, low-code and pro-code) which generates high quality code for React, React Native and Next.js
Team Size:8
Location:Athens, Greece
Active Founders

Kostas Karolemeas, Founder/CEO

Founder of Allcancode which helps founders get their product ideas to market in weeks based on a hybrid (no-code, low-code, pro-code) platform. Previously founder of an advanced medical imaging company (Evorad). Involved in R&D and technical leadership for several software products in industries such as engineering, healthcare, banking/finance, and media, which were delivered to millions of users around the world.
Kostas Karolemeas
Kostas Karolemeas

Spiros Alvertis, Founder

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