
A podcast company.

Jobs at Breaker

No jobs at Breaker are currently posted on the YC platform.

Why you should join Breaker

Breaker is an audio company. We’re bringing podcasts to a mainstream audience by making it super easy to listen to amazing content.

Breaker knows what’s hot right now and recommends timely, popular, and interesting podcast episodes. With Breaker you can subscribe to your favorite shows and get notifications of new episodes. You can follow your friends and see what they’re listening to in a real-time feed. You can also “like” episodes and see what everyone else likes. Add comments to episodes and see what others are commenting on. Share an episode with a friend in the app or post to Twitter and Facebook.

We’re also working with podcasters, to help them make great shows and grow their audience. We’re building both an app for listening and a platform for creating great podcasts.

Breaker is a seed-funded startup with a small team that graduated from Y Combinator in Winter 2017.

Team Size:1
Location:San Francisco