
All-in-one sales intelligence platform 🔍

Jobs at Ciro

No jobs at Ciro are currently posted on the YC platform.

Why you should join Ciro

Sales is about building relationships — but you wouldn’t know it from watching most sales teams today. The average sales rep spends 1-2 days per week researching and list-building instead of spending time with customers.

We’re building the most comprehensive index of small businesses in the world, combined with elegant software that gives salespeople superpowers. Our stodgy competitors (e.g., Dunn and Bradstreet) have been around for 100 years and have not innovated in decades.

Ciro is a tight-knit team of engineers, sales execs, and product managers with experience from Meta, Stanford, Google and Bain & Co. Two of the founders served as VPs of Sales at high-growth SaaS startups and understand our domain deeply. We are cash flow positive and are backed by some of the best investors in the world, including Y Combinator, SV Angel, CRV, and the founders of Flexport, BuildZoom, and Tegus.

If our mission speaks to you, we’d be delighted to meet you. The only thing we love more than our customers is our people! Join us for the adventure of a lifetime 🚀

Our values:

  1. Be exceptional
    • Cironians have high standards. The desire for excellence permeates all the things we do — the daring ambition of our company, the craftsmanship behind our product, and how we hire and retain the best people.
  2. Act with urgency 🏎️
    • We are relentless in our quest to help our customers and believe that speed is a fundamental advantage in building a great company.
  3. Foster teamwork & trust 🤝
    • We believe the best teams are comprised of people who trust each other.
    • We put in the effort to build a collegial environment where we make our teammates feel included and empowered to do their best work.
    • We openly and transparently share our thoughts and expectations with each other.
Team Size:6
Location:San Francisco
Ross Geiger
Ross Geiger
Richard Lee
Richard Lee
David Winer
David Winer