
AI to help physicians intake and treat patients

Hona integrates with electronic health record systems to collect and condense medical histories, enabling providers to fully understand their patients by finding data previously lost in mountains of charts. It searches nationwide for patient data based on providers' schedules, condensing notes, lab results, and more into specialty-specific clinical summaries with links to original sources. Hona then converts its clinical summaries into value-based care metrics, risk scores, and quality measures for practice-level insights.

Team Size:3
Location:San Francisco
Group Partner:Surbhi Sarna

Active Founders

Adam Steinle

Former biomedical engineer, Goldman banker, and big tech PM going back to my roots as a founder in healthcare. Over 4 years at Facebook, I launched many successful products for Content Moderation, Community Growth, Gaming, and Creator Monetization.

Adam Steinle
Adam Steinle

Danielle Yoesep

Grew up interested in science, always thinking I'd become a doctor (immigrant parents lol) but realized in university that practicing medicine actually wasn't the way I wanted to make my impact. Stayed in science, wanted to be on the cutting edge, did some research developing platform technologies that enable the synthesis of novel molecules. I helped spin a company out based on the work and built it up from (mostly) scratch. We ended up getting acquired, and now I'm doing it all over again :)

Danielle Yoesep
Danielle Yoesep

Shuying Zhang

I have a mixed background of biomedical engineering and software development. Prior to founding Hona.ai, I was a software engineer at Google and Amazon. My past work was centered on Document AI, knowledge graph and cloud infrastructure.

Shuying Zhang
Shuying Zhang

Company Launches

Healthcare’s Growing Information Overload Problem

Recent regulations have enabled electronic health record systems to communicate more effectively. However, healthcare providers are not adequately equipped to manage the substantial influx of unstructured data resulting from this enhanced interoperability.

The average patient record is now the equivalent of half the size of Shakespeare's 'Hamlet,' and providers often see more than 20 patients per day. For each patient, these providers find themselves contacting other organizations to obtain the patient’s complete history. Then, they must sift through numerous pages of raw PDFs to locate critical, relevant information — similar to finding a needle in a haystack. This process creates an enormous cognitive burden, leading to burnout, missed revenue opportunities, and, most critically, uninformed care.

Hona is transforming the complexity of healthcare data into something radically simple

Hona integrates with electronic health record systems to collect and condense medical histories, enabling providers to fully understand their patients by finding data previously lost in mountains of charts. It searches nationwide for patient data based on providers' schedules, condensing notes, lab results, and more into specialty-specific clinical summaries with links to original sources. Hona then converts its clinical summaries into value-based care metrics, risk scores, and quality measures for practice-level insights.

Founding Team

Hona was founded by ex-biomedical engineers seeking to return to their roots. Drawing from our experience in early-stage startups and launching AI products for millions of users in big tech, we ventured back into healthcare. We are addressing a critical issue: the complexity of healthcare data, which has not just hurt providers within our families and networks, but also us in our roles as patients.

Call to Action

If you know anyone in a provider organization who is looking to make sense of their data to increase revenue and automate visit prep, please reach out to tech@hona.ai.


Site: https://hona.ai/

Press: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/particle-health-hona-partner-empower-150000610.html