

No-code analytics tool for modern teams

Livedocs is a no-code analytics tool for modern teams. We are building a document editor that helps non-technical operators build reports with live data from tools like Stripe, Google Analytics, Segment without writing code.

Jobs at Livedocs

San Francisco, CA, US / US / CA / Remote (San Francisco, CA, US)
$120K - $160K
0.50% - 1.50%
3+ years
Team Size:3
Location:San Francisco

Active Founders

Arsalan Bashir

Founder of Livedocs (https://livedocs.com), engineer, love software, guerilla marketing (for the web), hiking, and Liverpool FC.

Arsalan Bashir
Arsalan Bashir

Company Launches

Check out TimeFinder by team Livedocs!

Being a remote team means we'd often send a calendar invite where somebody was dialing in in the wee hours of the morning or late at night. Timezones are complex! It's so easy to accidentally send a calendar invite for an awkward time.

Driven by our own experiences as a remote team at Livedocs (🇺🇸🇦🇪🇮🇳🇷🇴🇨🇦🇺🇦) and the desire to solve this universal problem, we crafted a simple yet powerful utility. Designed to streamline the scheduling process, our tool effortlessly finds a time that accommodates everyone, saving you from the headache and the hassle.

No sign up needed, just enter your timezones and find a time that works for everyone!