Olympian Motors

Manufacturing modular electric vehicles with style

Jobs at Olympian Motors

$200K - $400K
0.10% - 5.00%
11+ years
Los Angeles, CA, US
6+ years
Los Angeles, CA, US
6+ years

Why you should join Olympian Motors

  • Olympian Motors is a new, disruptive automaker, building unique, aesthetic, minimalistic, software-defined electric vehicles.
  • Our unique Olympian Operating System (OOS) enables 'data privacy-first' user experience and radically minimalistic cockpit.
  • Olympian has a unique fully 'fabless' production model in the U.S., running an asset-light operation with no CAPEX or no front R&D - unlike other conventional EV companies in the U.S
Olympian Motors
Team Size:10
Location:New York
Eren Canarslan
Eren Canarslan
Jasmine Sungu
Jasmine Sungu