
Automated security and compliance without security theater

Jobs at Oneleet

US / Remote (US)
$60K - $80K
3+ years
US / Remote (US)
$50 - $85
Any (new grads ok)
US / Remote (US)
$17 - $20
Sophomore and above
US / Remote (US)
$60K - $85K
3+ years
US / Remote (US)
$80K - $140K
0.05% - 0.40%
3+ years
Remote (US)
$80K - $160K
Any (new grads ok)

Why you should join Oneleet

Oneleet is a Y Combinator-funded cybersecurity startup that aims to make effective cybersecurity easy and painless for companies. The company provides a full-coverage cybersecurity platform through which companies can build, manage, and monitor their cybersecurity management program.

The core product is a roadmap for companies that helps them become secure and build trust with their partners, which requires the implementation of numerous solutions like penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, awareness training, static code scanning, endpoint monitoring, and more.

Team Size:15
Location:Amsterdam, Netherlands
Bryan Onel
Bryan Onel
Ora Onel
Ora Onel