
Instant Background Checks for Businesses

Jobs at TrueBiz

No jobs at TrueBiz are currently posted on the YC platform.

Why you should join TrueBiz

TrueBiz is reinventing how financial services verify businesses during account opening. Our technology automates the review of company documents captured at registration, and combines this with searches in best-in-class data sources.

Our ultimate vision is to create a single sign-on for business identity. When a business is verified once using our service, they will re-use their credentials across our network without re-submitting their information. Automating the onboarding process for banks is the first step in our journey.

We launched in early 2022, onboarded our first customers and are backed by Y Combinator (Summer 22 batch) together with a range of top fintech founders.

Team Size:3
Location:New York
Danny Hakimian
Danny Hakimian
Max Morlocke
Max Morlocke