
The Madras Content Company (TMCC)

The One-Stop Content Production House

TMCC is your reliable content partner. Be it 3D/2D Animations, Brand Videos, Motion Graphics, Illustrations, Product Videos, E-books, Illustrations, etc., TMCC is your one-stop solution for all visual, written, and audio-video content at the best value.

Who are we?
We're Sarang and Surya, co-founders of Skill-Lync. Over the past 5 years of building an upskilling platform for engineering students, Skill-Lync has gained fully-functional content development capabilities, giving birth to TMCC. Our objective here is to help companies define their content needs and fulfill them effectively with scalable and reliable content solutions.

The problem we are solving for:

Over the past few years, most businesses have become content-centric. For instance, product videos have replaced real-time product demos, saving time and resources. While many companies outsource their content requirements, finding a one-stop solution to address all their needs is challenging, which leads to the hassle of involving multiple companies or freelancers.

**Our Solution:
**As a content production house with capabilities across the entire spectrum ranging from video production, animation production, content writing, e-book/user manual production, etc., we have built an in-house engine that can generate high-quality content at scale. We are productizing these capabilities so that more people can have access to high-quality content and be relieved of the stress of managing multiple streams for their product needs.

Here’s what we do in a nutshell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ex3UnpYbZWI

**What we ask of you:
**Do take a look at our website to understand our work better.
If you know a business that could use our services, let them know about us!

Would be happy to connect at foundersoffice@tmccdigital.com