
Artos - Turning science into regulatory submissions

Our platform helps life sciences teams turn their data and any other information on their product into submission packages required by CMS and regulatory bodies like the FDA in half the time.

⏱️ TL;DR: Instead of paying lots of money to contractors or spending hundreds of hours writing out documents for regulatory submissions, life sciences teams use our platform to synthesize their data and information on a product into high-quality first drafts of protocols and other documents in minutes, iterate sections in seconds, and meet rigorous document quality standards with near-zero effort. Set up a meeting or email us to learn more.

We’re Varun and Josh, and we’re the founders of Artos. We met in college at the University of Chicago on pretty different paths: Varun was studying Molecular Engineering and Neuroscience and had taken a job as a Software Engineer at United Healthcare, and Josh was studying Economics and had an early offer from Harvard for graduate school.

We started working together after Josh joined an AI lab at UChicago Medicine. One day, Josh reached out to Varun for some help on an AI-based medical device product he was working on, and the two of us have been working together since. Artos was born out of our own experiences with the life sciences’ regulatory submissions process.

📁 What are regulatory submissions and why do they matter?

Life sciences’ regulatory submissions - like INDs and PMAs - and similar filings can be thousands of pages long. They contain an exhaustive amount of detail about everything related to a new drug or medical device because these submissions are how health agencies like the FDA decide whether and how a product can be used.

The information for these submissions is spread across a company: experiment reports, meeting notes, conference presentations, and more. A significant amount of the effort that goes into writing these submissions is spent on compiling, reviewing, citing, and writing up that information in the right format for the final submission, which easily adds weeks or months to timelines.

✅ Our solution

Artos’s document-drafting platform helps life sciences companies put together their submission documents in half the time.

Teams can connect to the sources of data they’d usually use to write up a given document, select a template or a sample document they want to base the new document on and get a first draft in minutes.

Teams can iterate on sections in seconds.

They can use a suite of tools to search documents, find source documentation quickly, and implement changes made in one part of a document across the rest of the document or a larger set of documents.

And, of course, we do all this while keeping a company’s data hypersecure.

🙏 Our ask

  1. Set up a meeting or email us to learn more and get your company onboarded.
  2. Share this post!
  3. Please intro us to folks on clinical teams at biotech/pharma/medical devices! Here’s a short blurb: “Artos is a company started by AI researchers and engineers with backgrounds in biotech/medical devices. They’re building a document-drafting platform to help life sciences companies put together their submission documents in half the time. Contact founders@artosai.com for more.”