

The last mile delivery service for e-commerce businesses in Europe.

We increase the customer retention of e-commerce shops by offering a high-quality same day and next day delivery with sustainable vehicles. In Europe, 15B e-commerce parcels get delivered every year. This represents a market opportunity of $55B. The founders Felix, Philip and Fabian met at university in 2016 and previously ran a profitable sneaker business together. 🌱⚡️📦

Team Size:3
Location:Munich, Germany

Active Founders

Philip Brinkmann

Product at Glocally. Passionate about building seamless experiences using modern technology and intuitive design. Prior experience in software development and product management helps me to align everyone on a clear path to build impact-driven products that you love to interact with.

Philip Brinkmann
Philip Brinkmann

Felix Steinbrenner

2+ years of experience in Last Mile Delivery Operations at Glocally where I was responsible for making sure every parcel arrived on time. Currently working on something new in pharma.

Felix Steinbrenner
Felix Steinbrenner