
Embedded AI Copilots on Structured Data

Founding Full Stack Engineer

₹2M - ₹4M INR / 0.10% - 0.50%
Bengaluru, KA, IN
Job Type
3+ years
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Prabhat Singh
Prabhat Singh

About the role

As a Full Stack Developer, you'll be instrumental in shaping the future of AI assistants for data teams. You'll learn the intricacies of Large Language Models (LLMs) to optimize their usage across multiple use cases. Utilizing Django, you'll architect back-end infrastructures optimized for handling data processes and LLM interactions. Your role involves building APIs with the Django Rest Framework. With React, you'll design user-centric interfaces that seamlessly integrate with our AI assistants, ensuring that data teams have an intuitive experience. You'll be working at the forefront of AI revolutions and pushing the boundaries of what AI can achieve in data management and analysis.

About the interview

Thanks for taking the time to consider interviewing at Crux.

At Crux, we are looking for individuals who enjoy iterating & shipping quickly, are passionate about solving hard problems and are eager to learn. Someone who demonstrates a strong sense of ownership and autonomy.

Our interview process is designed to find these kinds of engineers. Moreover, we try to ask questions that are relevant to the types of products we build -- mostly full-stack work, with a lot of database, analysis and customer interaction. In most cases, the interview process we have is language agnostic, as we offer the opportunity to learn our stack.

Initial Screening Round:
This stage is a more informal call to get to know more about the role, and for you to evaluate whether it’s a good fit for you. We are looking for people with a strong interest in startups and motivation to help them; this is usually exhibited by past experience working at or starting one yourself.

Lastly, the conversation will cover some light technical discussion about your past projects. Mostly, we want to know that you can code and ship fairly involved systems, and speak to them with clarity on the details. This tends to be a good indication that an engineer had strong ownership and showed autonomy in making product or technical decisions.

Technical Rounds: Our first two rounds will be remote and are intended as a first pass to assess basic programming skills and UI experience.

Interview Process: The interview process is a deeper dive into technical abilities, product thinking and overall fit. For the “fit” portion, we are again looking for ownership and autonomy, but we also dig deeper into communication. This is evaluated throughout the process -- in how you communicate your approach, solutions and overall thinking.

Each interview is 1 hour long, with 45 minutes allocated for the technical portion, and 15 minutes for Q&A.

About Crux

Crux is an AI Copilot that enables super-fast decision-making for business teams. We introduce you to the future of analytics where answers, insights, or projections are minutes away, not days - simply by asking questions in plain English.

Crux was founded by a young team of IIT Bombay graduates who began their journey by building software for a range of industries while they were still in college. We went on to be associated with the brilliant teams at Bain & Co, Citibank, PwC, Johnson & Johnson, ITC, and NAVI.

We are backed by supportive investors like Emergent, Y Combinator, Neon, First Cheque, and executive leaders from leading listed enterprises SaaS.

Our founding team includes graduates from various top-tier engineering colleges including IIT Bombay, IIT Kharagpur, and BITS Pilani.

Team Size:7
Himank Jain
Himank Jain
Atharva Padhye
Atharva Padhye
Prabhat Singh
Prabhat Singh