
Input OpenAPI. Output SDKs and Docs.

Full-stack Engineer

$156K - $192K
Job Type
3+ years
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Danny Sheridan
Danny Sheridan

About the role

As a small team, we’re all generalists, constantly pick up new challenges, and interface with customers regularly. Regarding product and code, we’re looking to work with experienced people who can pick a problem and solve it. We don’t expect you to have a background in all the tools we use, but we expect a background working with TypeScript and at least one other language.

What you’ll do

  • Develop new user-facing features. Build high-quality features and ship quickly.
  • Maintain and improve our CLI tool. The Fern CLI has 20,000 weekly downloads on NPM and is quickly growing. We are constantly extending it to support new use cases (e.g., generating a Swift SDK).
  • Be a polyglot. Contribute code across repositories in different programming languages. You may write code in TypeScript, Python, and Go within the same week.
  • Earn trust with customers. Talk with developers from early-stage startups, growth-stage businesses, and large enterprises to understand their needs.
  • Build our team. We’re growing, and you will work directly with the CEO, CTO, and other founding members to bring in talented engineers.

What you’ll bring

  • 4+ years of professional backend or full-stack development
  • Significant experience working with TypeScript and one other programming language
  • Experience starting a project from scratch. You might have led a project, built a side project you’re proud of, or been a founder.
  • Strong communication skills with excitement to interact with customers over Slack and Zoom
  • (Nice to have) You've worked at an API-first company

What we offer

  • Interesting and challenging work
  • Ownership of projects end-to-end while wearing multiple hats
  • First-hand experience building an early-stage startup
  • A salary of $156,000 to $192,000 and equity
  • Living proximity bonus of $18,000 per year if you choose to live near the office
  • Meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) at the office
  • Health, dental, and vision insurance
  • Unlimited vacation

Our tech stack

  • NextJS + Vercel (Frontend)
  • Fern (API)
  • Microservices: Express (NodeJs), FastAPI (Python)
  • Postgres DB + Prisma ORM
  • AWS (Cloud)

About Fern

APIs underpin the internet but are still painful to work with. They are often untyped, unstandardized, and out-of-sync across multiple sources of truth.

Fern enables businesses to offer “Stripe-level” SDKs (client libraries) and Docs for their REST API. Inspired by internal tooling we saw at AWS and Palantir, we’re building Fern to let every engineering team offer easy-to-use and well-documented APIs.

Founded in 2022, we’re less than 10 people, building open source, and backed by YCombinator. We work together in our office in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn, NY. Our customers include Cohere, ElevenLabs, Webflow, and Merge.dev.

Team Size:6
Location:New York
Danny Sheridan
Danny Sheridan
Deep Singhvi
Deep Singhvi