Per Diem

Mobile app design and publishing for SMB's

Full Stack Engineer

Job Type
3+ years
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Doron Segal
Doron Segal

About the role

Per Diem Engineering is looking for an experienced full-stack developer to join our team.

Your work will be the front and center of millions of our web users and you will have an opportunity to shape and scale our websites.


  • 3+ years of experience using React or Vue.js
  • 6+ years of industry experience as a web developer using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • You're a detail-driven engineer. You have a good eye and you care about details.
  • You are eager to learn, we love using new technology and question the status quo.
  • We are looking for someone who is open, honest, and positive about taking on new challenges and learning as they go.
  • Write modular, secure, and well-tested front-end code (React/JS/Vue, HTML, and CSS)
  • Familiar with SSR technologies such as Nuxt.js and Next.js.
  • Familiar with Unit-Testing frameworks. ‍


  • You will develop, design, implement and ship updates daily
  • Collaborate with web producers, designers, marketers, and engineering
  • Build web pages and amazing web experiences by developing and implementing front-end web code to design/code standards in clean, semantic code
  • Manage integrations and APIs
  • Create and maintain documentation
  • Testing cross-browser, cross-platform, and/or cross-device compatibility for inconsistencies
  • Actively participate in all development lifecycle activities like release planning, coding, testing, and deployment
  • Assist in the evaluation, development, and roll-out of new development technologies, tools, and frameworks ‍


  • We're a fully remote company, you can live on the moon as much as we care as long as you have an internet connection.
  • We're flexible, we're result-driven people you can have your own schedule as long as we can sync for 3-5 hours daily.
  • We're meeting once a year and let you help us choose where.
  • You'll have a daily meeting with the rest of the team including the executive team.
  • You'll know exactly what's going in the businesses. We're very transparent.

About Per Diem

Per Diem makes it easy for the best restaurants and cafes on Square to launch their own mobile app. Customers can place orders, track rewards, receive push notifications, and more. Oh, and no commission fees.

Per Diem
Team Size:15
Location:New York
Tomer Molovinsky
Tomer Molovinsky
Doron Segal
Doron Segal