
🚀 Syncly — AI customer feedback analytics that drives retention

Syncly enables Revenue teams to better understand customer insights to drive retention and team productivity.

Hey, We are Joseph, Kwan, Jongsoo from Syncly (YC W23).

Our team founded and sold an AI startup for $200M, and decided to bring our technology to help Revenue team drive retention by delivering the right value for customers.


Syncly uses AI and Chat-GPT to enable Revenue teams to better understand customer insights to drive retention and team productivity.

The Challenge

  • Manual tagging and insights: Your revenue team wants to understand the most impactful product or operational feedback, but the team spend a lot of time manually aggregating and analyzing. As a result, you come to learn what had gone wrong AFTER the damage.
  • Measuring team efficiency: Hard to track most of what problems your Revenue team is doing, but seems your team is doing a lot. Currently, done by 1-on-1 meetings or manual tagging, which is not scalable.
  • Post-action impact: Hard to measure how customer feedback has changed after certain actions.

The Solution

  • Automating feedback insight: Syncly finds urgent and impactful customer issues. Your team can proactively engage with customers BEFORE the damage.
  • Boosting team efficiency: Spread best practices within the organization to help Account managers, Customer success & support managers focus on delivering more value to the customer.
  • Post-action visibility: By monitoring customer feedback trend, you can measure the impact of each release and action.

*Syncly’s integrations include Intercom, Slack, Salesforce, and other customer communication platforms.

Our Asks

  • If you wanted to get as many actional insights from your customers feedback, schedule a call with us here: https://www.syncly.app (Click “Book a Demo”)
  • Feel free to shoot me an email at joseph@deepbluedot.io if you want to chat more.