
Laudspeaker In-app guide designer

Let us set up in-app guides / onboarding for you!

Hey YC!

Laudspeaker now offer in-app guides / product onboarding, so you can design beautiful modals with buttons and interactions that drive specific actions on your site.

Here's what it looks like:

You can use these modals, as tutorials, tours, banners really any thing to drive deeper product/feature adoption. Our modal designer allows you to capture your existing product style, and lets you create and change campaigns without having to include engineering effort on every single change.

We also allow you to:

- track user state so you know which step a user is on

- create complex campaigns that include emails, and other out of product messaging.

- integrate with product analytics systems so you trigger a tour based on a user event

- target anonymous users (most other platforms make this hard)

If you are considering Pendo, appcues or something similar you should consider us instead, we will go beyond offering you a deal on price and actually help you set up the modal flows and optimize them so you achieve your goal.

Here's a video of our designer!

Our Offer:

We'll build and design your modals and in app guides/messages for you, and get you set up and running! Feel free to email abe [at] laudspeaker, or schedule time on my cal and we can figure out if we are a fit.

We can only work with the first ten or so companies who reach out and are a fit so get the offer while its hot!