
📧 Zaymo: Shop directly inside emails

Lift email conversion rates 27% by embedding Shopify directly in the email

tl;dr: Recent changes to email protocols allow websites to be embedded in emails. Zaymo is the first email design tool that allows users to complete actions, like shop for products, directly inside an email. Our interactive emails have brought in 27% more revenue than existing solutions.

🧠 no-brainer ask: If you’re reading this, you can gift a free trial with Zaymo. We don’t offer free trials outside of this post. Intro a Shopify brand to founders@zaymo.com and you’re good to go :)


  • 1 - 3% conversion rates at best from e-commerce emails
  • However, e-commerce stores attribute ~20 - 30% of total revenue to email marketing
  • Interactive emails work well, but cross-platform compliance means implementation requires several hours of coding for a single email


Marketers can build reliable interactive emails in minutes with Zaymo. Here’s an email that increases orders for subscription brands and improves retention.

Zaymo supports the following:

  • In-email abandoned cart recovery
  • In-email one-click subscription upsell
  • In-email Campaigns
  • In-email Review collection
  • In-email Forms

Eventually, we’ll support hundreds of use cases.

Case study: A/B test with Zaymo increases revenue by 27% for Gozney


As a PM, Co-founder Santi led Turing.com to adopt interactive emails after proving out a 3x conversion rate boost in A/B tests. After unsuccessfully searching for 3rd-party tools, his team built the functionality into their internal tool.

Santi knew in-email interactivity should be more accessible to marketers, and Zaymo was born.


If you’re reading this, you can gift a free trial with Zaymo. We don’t offer free trials outside of this. Just intro a Shopify brand to founders@zaymo.com and you’re good to go :)

additional examples

Abandoned cart recovery


Email builder