
🤖 Ellipsis: Automated code reviews & bug fixes

We review pull requests and convert GitHub comments into working, tested code.

TL;DR: Ellipsis is a devtool that converts technical instructions into working, tested code. Customers like PromptLayer and Warp use us to review code and fix bugs, and you can too!

Hello world, Hunter and Nick here! We’re building Ellipsis, an AI devtool that allows engineering teams to ship faster. Today, our customers use us to review pull requests and convert GitHub comments into working, tested code.

But that’s just the beginning; we’re on a mission to build the AI software engineer. Specifically, we’re automating tasks for the Full Stack Engineer role, starting in the Python and JavaScript/TypeScript ecosystem.

How does it work? 🧐

Working with Ellipsis is like working with a remote colleague; simply tag it in Slack, GitHub, or Linear.

You can ask it to:

  • Create multi-file code changes from natural language requirements, such as a bug reports or feature requests
  • Review a pull request, checking for best practices and custom rules
  • Answer questions about a codebase during onboarding, development, and bug triaging
  • Create daily or weekly digests of the most important changes in your codebase
  • Automate tedious changes, such as library upgrades and refactors, to a large batch of files

The best part is that Ellipsis works in the cloud, not on your local laptop. This means developers can have Ellipsis working on multiple tedious tasks in parallel, while they handle the more complex work themselves.

The question we get most often is “does it work?”, so we invite you to start a 7 day free trial. Or check out some examples from the open source community.

About the team 🧙‍♂️

  • Hunter previously created a code generation product that dynamically generated programming challenges used in technical interviews. He's worked as a ML Engineer at AWS and Amazon Ads, in addition to filling various engineering roles at companies like Brigit and Capital One. Before teaching himself to code, he published in the field of Astrophysics.
  • Nick most recently took an AI developer tool for codebase migrations from 0 to 1 as founding engineer of Grit. Previously, he researched LLM interpretability at Redwood Research, managed several teams at ML startup Hyperscience, and worked on trading algorithms at Bridgewater Associates.

Our ask 🙏

  • Try it out! Ellipsis will review your pull requests (and do a good job!) for 7 days for free.
  • Share this post with Engineering leaders interested in enforcing best practices or shipping faster.

Our inbox is always open at team@ellipsis.dev. Here’s a blurb you can copy/paste:

Ellipsis is an AI devtool that reviews pull requests and converts GitHub comments into working, tested code. Customers like PromptLayer and Warp use them to ship faster because they spend less time reviewing changes and fixing bugs. You can get started with a 7 day trial immediately, or schedule time for a 15 minute demo.