
Platypus: The distributed data operating system

Data toolkit to manage distributed and real-time data 10x faster.

Platypus - The Distributed Data Operating System

Platypus is a toolkit to help data engineers and technical founders manage their distributed and real-time data 10x faster. We help you organize and connect any data, across any stack, in any format. Fast.

We are Looking for Feedback and Early Users

We are offering Customized Support for our Early Access Program to founders and data engineering teams dealing with real-time and distributed data challenges - contact us at https://getplatypus.com or send me an email.

The Problem

Managing distributed data is tough and costly in an ever-evolving landscape where the concept of a "modern" data stack is rapidly aging, requiring expert teams, multiple tools, and expensive resources. On top of that, the Business teams struggle to access and use this data effectively.

The Solution

A customizable, real-time data platform that boosts data engineering productivity. We simplify data with automation for data discovery, data management, and data pipeline creation while keeping data engineers in full control of their data architecture. We also allow business teams to self-serve the data and data activation they need.

Any Data, Any Stack, Any Client.

Our Team

We are data engineers with experience at big tech companies like Amazon and Intel. We’re eager to tackle your data challenges, from simple database replications to complex AI-driven data strategies.

We know our craft, we love it, and we want to help with your specific data challenges.
https://getplatypus.com - pablo@getplatypus.com