70MillionJobs Is the Internet's First Job Board for 70 Million Americans With Criminal Records (YC S17)

by Y Combinator8/7/2017

There are 70 million Americans with criminal records – 1 in 3 adults – and they pretty much all experience pain in finding a job. 70MillionJobs has built the first job board for the formerly incarcerated.

Since many of the applicants on 70MillionJobs don’t have a laptop or easy access to the Internet, they send out text alerts applicants can easily respond to. Because most of these folks have limited work experience and limited formal education, 70MillionJobs plans on building a video resume platform to accompany their resumes. In person, many of these folks are respectful, bright and personable, so this will show them at their best.

You can learn more on:
Fast CompanyIt’s Hard For People With Criminal Records To Get A Job–This New Job Site Can Help
Product Hunt70MillionJobs.com – How 70 million Americans with records get hired
Hacker NewsLaunch HN: 70MillionJobs (YC S17) – Job board for people with criminal records


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