9 Companies from the YC W19 Batch Part 3

by Y Combinator3/6/2019

Meet 9 companies that recently announced they’re part of the YC Winter 2019 batch. To see more YC W19 companies read Part 1 and Part 2.

Cityfurnish is a rental subscription service for furniture and appliances in India. Today, there are 350M people renting unfurnished or semi-furnished apartments in India; Cityfurnish provides an easy, affordable and hassle-free solution. The founding team shares 25+ years of furniture retailing experience and has grown the business to 8,000+ subscribers with $3M in ARR. Read more about Cityfurnish on The Economic Times.

Gordian Software provides the only API for travel booking websites to add seats and bags to the flight tickets they sell. When you’re reserving a seat on your favorite travel booking website, that is powered by Gordian. Gordian Software is launching pilots with 3 of the top 5 travel booking websites in the world and supports 80 airlines.

JetPack Aviation builds flying motorcycles, called the Speeder. Piloted or autonomous, these aircrafts can take off and land vertically from nearly anywhere. They can fly fast (>150 mph), high (>15,000 feet), and are conveniently small. The Speeder will be the fastest, smallest and most convenient way to transport a person or 450 pounds of cargo. JetPack Aviation has a development agreement with the US military and is working with civilian medevac and transport organizations. The company is designing two versions of the Speeder – one for military and commercial users and the other for recreational use. They are now accepting pre-purchase orders on the recreational version. Read more about JetPack on New Atlas.

Cherry lets employees choose their own workplace perks. With Cherry, employers cover their employees’ favorite consumer services (ex: Netflix, Spotify, ClassPass, Lyft), instead of wasting money on perks that no one uses like in-office yoga and ping pong tables. They are launching as a Slack-first solution that gives employees access to a marketplace of subscriptions. Cherry helps companies recruit in competitive environments like the Bay Area by offering a unique benefit package that stands out on an offer. It improves retention by providing a perk that employees would actually hate to lose. The founders are sisters Emily and Gillian O’Brien. Read more about Cherry on TechCrunch.

Searchlight helps companies make better and more diverse hires through automated reference checks. Employers give candidates a link to Searchlight, and its software asks candidates to invite their references, analyzes their feedback, and returns insights. The rise of online job boards has made it increasingly difficult to distinguish candidates based on resumes alone. With Searchlight, employers can use references earlier in the hiring process and find talent that normally would have been overlooked. Searchlight was founded by twin sisters, Kerry and Anna Wang. Although they look identical on paper, they have distinct personalities and working styles — just ask their references.

Catch is the first-ever personal benefits platform, offering tax withholding, retirement plans, health insurance, and more – all integrated in one place. It serves the 80MM people who don’t have access to employer benefits, including freelancers, contractors, gig workers, founders, and full-time employees with inadequate benefits plans. Catch’s mission is to upend the benefits system, redefining the safety net into one that’s accessible, affordable, and ultimately personal. Catch is also one of the first and only companies connected directly into federal health insurance infrastructure. The company is backed by Y Combinator, Kleiner Perkins, Urban Innovation Fund, and founders of Nerdwallet, Earnest, and AND CO.

Green Energy Exchange is reinventing the traditional utility model by providing affordable green energy plans directly to consumers and businesses. By cutting out inefficiencies in the current market, Green Energy Exchange saves consumers 20%+ and has a positive impact on the environment. Their approach limits commodities risk and increases revenues for renewable partners; ultimately improving the economics of green power.

Kalshi is a platform where users can express their opinions and make predictions on a wide variety of topics. The questions can be on topics like “Will Brexit happen by the end of the month?” or “Will it rain in NYC tomorrow?”. The power of the platform resides in its ability to gauge “wisdom of the crowds” data.

Dockup creates on-demand staging environments for engineering teams. When developers open pull requests in Github, Dockup creates disposable environments with unique URLs and delivers them to Slack; engineers no long have to wait their turn to manually deploy to a staging server. Teams can then click on these URLs and preview features before merging pull requests. Because each environment has all the services in the tech stack, it lets you catch bugs which usually happen only in production and ship more code.


Company Launch


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