YC at MIT and MIT xFair

by Kat Mañalac1/17/2019

This February we’ll be visiting MIT xFair on Feb 4, and the Startup School team will be hosting a workshop at MIT on Feb 5.

YC at MIT xFair
Feb 4 – 10am-4pm ET, Rockwell Cage
If you are starting a startup, want to work at a startup, or have questions about YC, we want to meet you. YC partners and staff will be at the MIT xFair all day. Come say hello.

YC Group Office Hours at MIT
Feb 5 – 12pm-3pm
Join YC partners Adora Cheung and Kevin Hale for group office hours. Group office hours are 45 minutes each and include up to four other teams. It’s a great way to meet other founders and listen/give feedback on each others’ biggest challenges. You’ll come to find that startups all face similar problems. Sign up here.

Y Combinator Startup School at MIT
Feb 6 – 7pm ET, Room 1-190
Last summer, Y Combinator launched their most ambitious project to date: Startup School, a free online entrepreneurship class that taught over 10,000 teams from all over the world how to start a startup.

Join us for a talk by YC partners, Adora Cheung and Kevin Hale, who’ll share a few of Startup School’s success stories and the most valuable lessons learned by the founders taking the classes.

They’ll also answer questions about how to evaluate good ideas, share the trends YC sees 6 months before anyone else, and what to work on at school if you’re thinking about starting your own billion dollar startup. Food and drinks will be served. Sign up to attend here.


  • Kat Mañalac

    Kat is the Managing Outreach Officer at YC. She was Chief of Staff to Alexis Ohanian, cofounder of reddit, before joining YC as its Director of Outreach. Prior to that, Kat was at WIRED Magazine.