

Environmental Allergies Management App

Ally helps people to manage their environmental allergies. With Ally, people can discover what they are allergic to and determine the best care plan. It all starts with our At-home allergy test. We send it to your home, and with a prick of blood, our labs learn what you are allergic to. This then personalizes the Ally app, which helps you track and manage your allergies. For example, you can know which days are worse based on location and symptoms. Ally acts as an AI-powered allergies coach. You can also learn from a community of other people with similar allergies what works best for them.

Jobs at Ally

CO / MX / AR / DO / CR / EC / PE / BO / Remote (CO; MX; AR; DO; CR; EC; PE; BO)
$30K - $40K
6+ years
Team Size:3
Group Partner:Brad Flora

Active Founders

Amadeo Pellicce

Amadeo is the CEO & Founder of Ally (W23). He has an MS in Computer Science. In 2013, he co-founded the UK’s first professional crypto exchange, Coinfloor (which was acquired). Subsequently, he led multiple product areas at Blockchain.com. Outside of work, Amadeo enjoys sailing and long-distance running.

Amadeo Pellicce
Amadeo Pellicce