

Apps to control technology addictions/ helping startups hire engineers

At Atmana, we help millennials cut down on technology addictions like gaming, pornography and social media. We charge users $90 per year for our solution consisting of blocking and techniques used in treating in alcohol and drug addiction like peer support groups, buddy program and psycho education. We also have a 2nd line of business: helping startups hire engineers from India. Hiring engineers from India can help you save cost while ensuring you have the same quality of talent in your team like you have in the US.

Team Size:14
Location:Bengaluru, India
Group Partner:Michael Seibel

Active Founders

Tejas Bala

Tejas is an entrepreneuer with over 12 years of experience working in startups in product & growth roles. He founded Atmana in 2020 to help youngsters overcome compulsive technology use.

Tejas Bala
Tejas Bala