
Scheduling automation platform between trucking and warehousing

Jobs at BiggerPicture

No jobs at BiggerPicture are currently posted on the YC platform.

Why you should join BiggerPicture

BiggerPicture is a venture-backed startup building a more dynamic and stable supply chain. US industry overall is rushing to shorten supply chains, reducing exposure to transpacific shipping and other recent difficulties. The increased competition for US trucking and warehousing is crippling, with a 4% vacancy rate and an estimated 80,000 driver shortage. Supply chain assets have been inefficient for decades, which caused serious issues during Covid and continues as supply chains are rapidly onshored.

BiggerPicture is building the connective tissue that ties together trucking companies, distribution facilities, and retailers across the supply chain to orchestrate and resolve real-time disruptions.

Team Size:5
Location:San Francisco
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