
AI workflow automations for enterprise

Jobs at Brainbase

San Francisco, CA, US
$100K - $200K
0.80% - 2.40%
Any (new grads ok)
San Francisco, CA, US
$100K - $200K
0.80% - 2.40%
Any (new grads ok)

Why you should join Brainbase

Brainbase is an AI workflow automation builder designed to handle complex enterprise workflows. Our customers use us to spin up everything from sales autopilots to full fledged customer support workflows in less than a day.

SMBs and unicorns choose us over our competitors because we are the only platform that combines the power of AI with the ease and robustness of an off-the-shelf enterprise tool.

Team Size:1
Location:San Francisco
Gokhan Egri
Gokhan Egri