

Shop and pay in installments anywhere

Drip combines the best of Pix and a credit card. We enable customers to pay with credit and earn 2%+ cashback with the speed and widespread acceptance of Pix. Through our app customers can onboard, shop nearly anywhere and manage their payments. We're enabling transactions via Pix's existing network (85%+ of e-comm).

Team Size:15
Location:São Paulo, Brazil
Group Partner:Harj Taggar

Active Founders

Patrick McDougall

Drip co-founder and CEO. Work exp: Previously at Nubank leading projects around Pix, e-commerce, and open banking, among others. Prior to joining Nubank, worked with fintech (Guiabolso), strategy consulting (Bain), and Private Equity (NASDAQ: VINP). Education: INSEAD MBA + CFA. Running enthusiast living in São Paulo/BR.

Patrick McDougall
Patrick McDougall

Paulo Albuquerque

Paulo Albuquerque is the co-founder of Drip and leads the Engineering team. Engineering Manager for the last years, Paulo has been leading many teams in the Fintech industry. He is graduated in Computer Science with MBA in project management from Fucapi.

Paulo Albuquerque
Paulo Albuquerque

Company Launches

tl;dr: Drip combines the best of Pix and a credit card. We enable customers to pay with credit and earn cashback with the speed and widespread acceptance of Pix.

Hi everyone! We are Paulo, Bianca, and Patrick and we created Drip after working at Nubank because we believe a solution built on Pix (Brazil's new instant payment scheme) can solve several of the problems with a credit card.

🥵The problem with payments in Brazil

Brazil is pretty unique: 30% ($160B) of retail payments are already made in installments but the existing solutions are still uninspiring and 70% of the population want an alternative.

  • Exorbitant credit card APRs of 400%+
  • Undifferentiated credit card rewards of 0-1%
  • No prevailing easy payment button (e.g. Paypal, Apple Pay)

Merchants do not get it better since they pay up to 10-20% to receive funds from a sale.

🤩Our solution

Drip combines the best of Pix and a credit card. We enable customers to pay with credit and earn 2%+ cashback with the low cost, speed, and widespread acceptance of Pix (80%+ of Brazilian e-commerce stores).

🔮How it works

  1. Download our app

  2. Choose your favorite store

  3. Browse and shop how you like

  4. Select to pay with Drip through Pix
