

AI-Powered Business Development for Scientific Organizations

FirstIgnite is an AI software company built specifically for helping universities identify and connect with companies interested in partnering on research. Users enter a description of their research and are matched to the markets, companies and contacts most aligned with potential partnership. Their customers include University of Michigan, Michigan State University, Johns Hopkins APL, University of Chicago and Georgia Tech.

Jobs at FirstIgnite

Remote (US)
$60K - $90K
0.10% - 0.24%
Any (new grads ok)
US / GB / Remote (US; GB)
$65K - $85K
1+ years
Team Size:8
Location:Traverse City, MI

Active Founders

Chase Bonhag

Former VC investor in university research (Illinois Ventures) and corporate innovation (TechNexus). Very focused on building tools to help scientific companies grow faster.

Chase Bonhag
Chase Bonhag

Cody Pawlowski

Cody is the Co-Founder and CTO of FirstIgnite: the #1 tool for university-industry collaboration. While attending UIUC, he cofounded his first startup, Convey, and ultimately dropped out to pursue the venture full-time. The social listening platform predicted major elections such as Brexit and netted partnerships from political campaigns to drive outreach strategy. He's now focused on using AI to help research institutions partner with industry—getting more breakthroughs to market.

Cody Pawlowski
Cody Pawlowski