Hiro Systems

Hiro Systems

Hiro Systems build developer tools for Bitcoin L1 and the Stacks L2

Hiro System builds developer tools for Bitcoin L1 and the Stacks L2 (layer-2). Stacks is a Bitcoin layer for smart contracts; it's an open-source project with an ecosystem of independent entities. Hiro serves 350M+ monthly API requests and thousands of crypto users on dev products.

Jobs at Hiro Systems

US / CA / ES / PT / NL / RO / Remote (US; CA; ES; PT; NL; RO)
$160K - $200K
6+ years
US / CA / PT / ES / RO / NL / Remote (US; CA; PT; ES; RO; NL)
$175K - $195K
6+ years
Hiro Systems
Team Size:40
Location:New York

Active Founders

Muneeb Ali

Co-founder of the Stacks project, CEO of Trust Machines.

Muneeb Ali
Muneeb Ali
Hiro Systems