

The AI platform for team productivity

We are building the one-stop AI platform for scale-ups and enterprises. Model agnostic and fully GDPR compliant.

Jobs at Langdock

Berlin, BE, DE
€65K - €85K EUR
0.10% - 0.20%
3+ years
Team Size:9
Group Partner:Aaron Epstein

Active Founders

Lennard Schmidt

Co-Founder of Langdock :)

Lennard Schmidt
Lennard Schmidt

Jonas Beisswenger

Before Langdock, I built http://wized.com as a solo founder and sold it to Finsweet, one of the largest companies in the Webflow ecosystem. Wized is used by thousands of agencies and freelancers worldwide to make a living and build web applications. I was nominated as "Developer of the Year 2023" by Webflow for my ecosystem contribution with Wized.

Jonas Beisswenger
Jonas Beisswenger

Tobias Kemkes

Before Langdock, I was the founding engineer at Blair (YC S19) and built an end-to-end automated servicing platform to manage their $100M debt facility. The platform was audited, handled sensitive data, and moved millions of dollars around. I later became Blair's first head of product, managing a team of five engineers.

Tobias Kemkes
Tobias Kemkes

Company Launches

Hey everyone! We’re Tobias, Jonas, and Lennard from Langdock. We are in the current YC batch and excited to launch our product today!

We initially built a product that enabled developers to easily create LLM Plugins across ChatGPT and LangChain. We quickly gained a few hundred users, and through conversations with them, we learned a lot about the duality of fear and excitement around LLMs within companies.

That is why we started building the GDPR-compliant ChatGPT for teams, enabling companies to easily and safely embrace the productivity increase of ChatGPT. Professionals are already using ChatGPT individually — we help companies manage & control the usage and help employees share conversations with co-workers.

The Problem: Using ChatGPT as an employee is not compliant

  • ChatGPT is already increasing the productive output of employees
  • ChatGPT is not compliant, and companies either look the other way, explicitly forbid its usage or build internal tooling to replicate the ChatGPT experience (e.g. Stripe)
  • Companies have no simple way of managing how employees engage with tools like ChatGPT

The Solution: GDPR-compliant ChatGPT for Teams

  • We are building the model-agnostic application layer for companies, enabling companies to enable and disable models that are available to their users
  • We enable companies to enforce their rules on data privacy and access
  • We help companies easily manage the users of their organizations, analyze the usage, and upskill them to make use of LLMs

Our Request

  • If you are considering embracing ChatGPT within your company to increase knowledge worker productivity, please get in touch via lennard@langdock.com!

YC Sign Photo

YC Sign Photo