
AI Math Tutor towards Personalized Learning

MathGPT Pro is a personalized learning platform that boosts student learning and teacher productivity with AI. Starting with an AI Math tutor for students, we enable everyone to learn mathematics at their optimized pace. There have already been a few millions of questions asked on our platform, from more than 200 countries across the world within just a few months. Moving forward, we are piloting with schools to also support teachers towards the future of education. AI saves teachers’ time by auto-grading and more, AI offers insights to guide teachers to address students’ individuality. Students receive instant help from AI tutors and more attentions from teachers with more personalized experiences. We encourage everyone to embrace new tools towards personalized and accessible learning. AI is revolutionizing education, and we want to support this.

Team Size:5
Location:Santa Clara, CA
Group Partner:Nicolas Dessaigne

Active Founders

Tianwei Yue

AI since 2015. RL & Robotics recently. Building language agents since 2022. Love research but ended up as boring MLE in tech companies (???). I feel only doing research or building startups make me excited. If one more, milk tea. Admitted to college at age 14.

Tianwei Yue
Tianwei Yue

Qi Lyu

CTO of MathGPTPro. AI/LLM + Full Stack Architect + Product + Design. 1st Prize in China National Math Competition.

Qi Lyu
Qi Lyu

Hear from the founders

How did your company get started? (i.e., How did the founders meet? How did you come up with the idea? How did you decide to be a founder?)

Qi (CTO) and I (CEO) have been close friends since college. Our friendship started from competing speed-solving Rubik’s Cubes, and deepened by years of collaborations. I’m impressed by his talents and execution excellence, and he trusts my sharp insights and vision. We support and respect each other. In 2018, I had encouraged CTO to apply for US graduate schools, and I went to CMU. We two had been planning for building startups since then. In 2020, we both started professional careers. I actively participated in entrepreneurship events in the Bay Area and discussed with CTO regularly. In June 2023, we think it’s about the time to actually build something.

What is your long-term vision? If you truly succeed, what will be different about the world?

AI is capable of many things effortlessly, while humans need to go through a learning curve for every task. How shall we survive given rapidly changing technology? Learning how to think and adapt is the key. We encourage both students and teachers to embrace AI as a tool to get inspiration and boost productivity. We believe AI will bring education to the next level. We want to dismantle educational barriers, we are envisioning a future where quality, affordable, and personalized learning experiences are accessible to all people at any time.

Selected answers from MathGPT's original YC application for the W24 Batch

Describe what your company does in 50 characters or less.

Real-time multimodal interactive learning platform

What is your company going to make? Please describe your product and what it does or will do.

To start with, we’re building a personalized AI tutor via web & mobile that offers instant answers to math questions (and other various subjects) simply through a question snapshot/screenshot. Our product offers step-by-step solutions. It also supports copying latex source and sharing features. And it will soon support hints, knowledge key points, exam practices.

Our technology also goes beyond math, covering various subjects, thereby offering a 24/7 interactive learning assistant for students and a supplementary tool for educators.

We also offer ToB API service to other eduTech companies to enable their AI tutor within their own ecosystem.

We’re envisioning a future where quality, interactive, and personalized education is accessible to all people anytime. We aim to leverage our technology to dismantle educational barriers, promoting inclusive, real-time, and interactive learning experiences for all.