

Generative AI voice agents for healthcare

Here's what it sounds like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zleutBr9xJE

Jobs at Penciled

San Francisco, CA, US
$70K - $150K
0.10% - 1.50%
Any (new grads ok)
Team Size:2
Group Partner:Gustaf Alstromer

Active Founders

Shawn Shivdat

CEO & Co-founder of Penciled. Studied Computational Neuroscience at Harvard. Previously built patient outcome prediction software at MGH, built and launched a jobs board product at a health tech startup, and founded a global nonprofit organization.

Shawn Shivdat
Shawn Shivdat

Deniz Sert

CTO and Co-founder at Somn. Graduated MIT with a Bachelor's in Computer Science in Spring 2023 and last summer I was a software engineering intern for Apple Maps.

Deniz Sert
Deniz Sert

Company Launches

Meet Chloe:

The Problem

Clinics do a lot of phone calls— booking appointments, following up after a visit, reminding patients of a visit, verifying insurance, calling referring providers, etc. These calls prevent staff from interacting with patients, building relationships with families, and completing clinical documentation.

In specialties like physical therapy, some clinicians just let the phone ring out if they’re seeing a patient, resulting in unhappy patients and lost revenue.

The Solution

Our AI assistants handle any phone call that involves a repetitive task, so clinicians can focus on helping patients.

We don’t ask clinics to rip out any technology to use our agents. That means we integrate with fax machines, EHRs, and existing phone systems.

Introducing Jen & Jim:

Our Background

Shawn Shivdat (CEO) grew up helping his mom in her private practice and built software at Massachusetts General Hospital while studying Computational Neuroscience at Harvard.

Deniz Sert (CTO) was a software engineer at Apple and worked at startups while studying Computer Science at MIT.

Together, we previously built an AI sleep improvement platform used by schools like Georgetown, Columbia, and Tufts before pivoting during YC.

💥 The Deal

For clinics, startups, and systems who work with us before Demo Day, we’ll integrate with existing systems (including EHRs) for free.

Get in touch with me at shawn@somnapp.com