

Notion for science

You can think of Stempad as a Notion for science. It is the world's first true pen-and-paper alternative to fast scientific writing and collaborating. Quickly switch between different forms of technical visualization with the ease of a whiteboard and the convenience of your keyboard. Stempad allows you to share your work, collaborate in real time, store your data, annotate, write papers, plan, takes notes, create presentations, and so much more. Our vision is to make it easier and faster for students and scientists to digitize and share their scientific ideas.
Team Size:1
Group Partner:Harj Taggar
Active Founders

Ralph Rouhana, Founder

Hey, I'm Ralph 👋 I founded Stempad in early 2024 to help me take notes in my final year of school. After getting it to several hundred users and a few paying subscribers, I saw the potential for schools, research teams, pharmaceutical companies, tutoring companies, and more. I've previously interned at BioRender (W18), Microsoft, and 5 other companies.
Ralph Rouhana
Ralph Rouhana
Company Launches
Stempad: Scientific writing at the speed of thought
See original launch post ›

Tl;dr: Stempad is an online editor and platform that streamlines writing and sharing scientific documents fast. Take notes, write research papers, create and conduct exams, collaborate in real-time, share your work with the world, and more. Try it out today.

Hi everyone, I’m Ralph! I’m on a mission to improve the way teachers, students, and scientists document and share their ideas.

The Problem

Handwriting (via paper/tablet/board), a medium that is often substandard and that many struggle with, is currently the only viable way to do fast or impromptu scientific writing.

  • Students often resort to text editors unoptimized for science, such as Notion or Word, to take notes and write assignments.
  • Scientists use PowerPoint, wrestle with slow and expensive legacy software, and resort to handwriting to take notes, create writeups, or make presentations.
  • Remote tutors and their students require expensive tablets, styluses, and specialty software for a real-time digital whiteboard experience.
  • Professors often upload low quality scans of their messy handwritten class notes.

The list could go on. The ability to quickly and collaboratively document scientific ideas with a keyboard is a huge QOL and productivity boost for people and institutions doing science.

Stempad To The Rescue 🔬

You can think of Stempad as a Notion for Science. It is the world's first true pen-and-paper alternative for fast scientific writing. Quickly switch between different forms of technical visualization with the ease of a stylus and the convenience of your keyboard.

Stempad allows users to save, export and share their work, collaborate in real time, create and grade assignments, conduct remote exams, write research papers, take notes, create presentations, and so much more.

My Asks

  • Introduce me to educators, students, scientists, and decision makers at schools, pharmaceutical companies, research teams, edtech companies, tutoring companies, summer schools, and relevant STEM programs. Click here.
  • If you or any founders you know have B2B SaaS products in the education and science industry, I’d love to learn from you. Click here.
  • Sign up, use it next to others, and spread the word :)