
Helping Dropshippers in Colombia run the business and increase sales

Jobs at Valienta

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Why you should join Valienta

Valienta helps individuals in Latinamerica start their own business to increase their income. Through our ecosystem, which lives on a single mobile app, our users have access to a marketplace of more than 100 suppliers and +30,000 products that they can sell online & get commissions of up to 60%. To make it as simple as possible, our mobile app enables them to create an online store and takes care logistics that include delivering the product to the customer, collecting the payment and transferring the commission to the user, among other activities. All this without any investment nor conditions.

Valienta removes the need to negotiate and deal with suppliers, carriers, payment gateways, and their archaic or inexistent tech tools.

Despite those frictions, +35 million people sell $80 Billion worth of goods directly to other people annually. Valienta is developing the software to make it simpler and more powerful. Our purpose is becoming the vehicle of prosperity for millions in our region.

Team Size:20
Location:Medellín, Colombia