Team Size:25
Location:Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Group Partner:Dalton Caldwell

Active Founders

Sarah Toukan

Sarah Toukan is the Chief Product Officer and Co-Founder of Ziina. She has product and startup experience across several diverse and exciting spaces, including the fintech space in the UAE, the proptech space in London, and the autonomous vehicle space in Silicon Valley. Sarah graduated from Stanford with a Bachelor’s and Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering, with a Product Development concentration.

Sarah Toukan
Sarah Toukan

Faisal Toukan

Faisal Toukan is the CEO and Co-Founder of Ziina. He has experience across consumer fintech, enterprise sales, blockchain, start-ups, and venture capital with a passion for bringing new technologies to market.

Faisal Toukan
Faisal Toukan

Andrew Gold

Andrew Gold
Andrew Gold

Company Launches

Hi! We’re Ziina, and we are bringing financial freedom to the Middle East.

The problem:
For small businesses, collecting cash is a massive challenge —from issuing invoices, tracking payments, awkwardly following up with clients, and switching between multiple apps just to get paid.

The solution:
We've just made the process a whole lot easier. We're delighted to announce the ZiiBoard. Businesses can now request payments on WhatsApp, Instagram, or any messaging app in just a few taps.

Introducing the ZiiBoard