Caddie AI

🚀 Caddie - Schedule Meetings & Qualify Inbound Leads

Automate your inbound lead qualification and book more meetings!

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😄 About Us → Our Customers Were Pissed Off, So We Did Something About It

In our past life, Marshall and I led sales and marketing teams. More recently, we asked ourselves:

  • Why does conversion in B2B websites suck (from Visitor to a Demo Booked)?
  • Why do we keep hearing complains that customer just “want a F*&!ng demo!”?

We explored solutions to fix this and Caddie hit us in the face.

🤬 Problem → Too Much Friction to Request a Demo

  • Friction is Killing Leads → 83% of interested buyers never make it to a demo because there are too many steps to get a demo.
  • Speed Matters → 74% of buyers purchase from the first company they see a demo from.
  • Have SDRs do Qualification Calls? → Adding an SDR qualification step leads to 30% drop-off in pipeline. In addition, they are expensive and hard to hire.

🚀 Solution → Make It Easy to Schedule & Qualify

  • Build a personalized demo scheduling experience.
  • Qualify inbound leads by asking simple questions.
  • Using logic and point scoring, route to the right Account Exec.
  • Finally, allow qualified prospects to schedule a demo on the spot.

Try a demo by going to trycaddie.com

Using Calendly? → We allow you to qualify prospects before bad leads jam your calendar. In addition, we shorten your contact form by getting key insights from a database of 200M+ records so you don’t need to ask for “First Name”, “Company”, “# of employees”. The result is 50%+ more qualified leads than with Calendly.

💰 The Impact → 2X More Demos, Faster Deal Speed, No Need for SDRs to Qualify Manually.

  • Book 2X more demos by removing friction.
  • Improve speed from lead to opportunity by 50% by cutting steps.
  • Have SDRs qualifying leads? → Cut $100,000s in costs.