Amber AI

Co-pilot for Account Managers

Jobs at Amber AI

San Francisco, CA, US
$70K - $200K
0.01% - 1.00%
1+ years
$70 - $200
0.01% - 1.00%
1+ years

Why you should join Amber AI

Our mission is to make serving small to medium businesses (SMB) easier and more economically attractive. We do this by making AI account managers, which allows companies to give their SMB small contract customers the same level of high quality care that they give their large contract enterprise customers.

By allowing companies to give 10x the experience to SMBs at a fraction of the cost of hiring more people, we will make more companies to serve SMBs, helping small businesses win.

We are well-funded and backed by funds like General Catalyst and execs from Uber and Lyft.

Amber AI
Team Size:2
Helen Wu
Helen Wu
Oliver Zou
Oliver Zou