Aqua Voice

Voice-only text editor

Aqua is a voice-driven text editor. It lets you speak naturally, like to a person, and writes down what you meant in the format you want.

Aqua Voice
Team Size:3
Location:San Francisco
Group Partner:Michael Seibel

Active Founders

Finnian Brown

CEO @ Aqua Voice / Harvard '19

Finnian Brown
Finnian Brown
Aqua Voice

Jack McIntire

CTO @ Aqua Voice / prev. Arcturus Intelligence / Harvard dropout

Jack McIntire
Jack McIntire
Aqua Voice

Company Launches

Edit: Check us out on Hacker News (currently #1)!

TLDR:Ā AquaĀ is a voice-native text editor. Imagine dictating to a professional writer who can clean up your phrasing, fill in words, and understand your intent.

šŸŸ© Watch our demo video here:

šŸ”“ Problem

Dictation stillĀ sucks:

  • It's not very accurate.
  • You have to learn specialized commands.
  • Edits require the keyboard.

Finnian Brown has never been a very good speller (heā€™s dyslexic) and has been using dictation software since the sixth grade, when his dad got him set up on Dragon Dictation to write papers for school. It's always been easier for him to dictateā€”despite the janky software.

Dictation has remained surprisingly rigid in the era of LLMs. They make a lot of mistakes (see Siri lmao).Ā All existing dictation services rely on learning a set of specialized commands.

They struggle to distinguish between filler phrases/commentary and stuff you actually want to write down.

šŸŒŽ Aqua

Aqua innovates on this paradigm by fusing real-time audio and an LLM to understand your intent. It does as much of the writing and formatting as you ask it to.

Accuracy is King šŸ‘‘Ā - Better than Whisper! - we use an MoE transcription architecture to have a lower WER than Whisper-largev3 in real-time.

Think Donā€™t Type šŸ§ Ā - Aqua can execute arbitrary commands. You donā€™t need the keyboard. Most people talkĀ twice as fastĀ as they can type.

Make Writing Chill šŸļøĀ - Aqua reacts naturally to feedback and can recover from mistakes if you tell it to!

šŸ™ Asks

Try Aqua Voice! No account is needed; just head over to https://withaqua.com. If you like it, sign up for $10/month after a 1000-token free trial.