

Instant E2E tests for your website

As developers, we’re constantly going through the cycle of starting to write tests, deciding we can’t prioritize them because we need to ship new features, and then running into bugs in production as a result. Autotest lets you build comprehensive integration tests for your website with basically no work on your part, so you get the benefits of testing without wasting dev time on it.

Team Size:2
Location:San Francisco
Group Partner:Michael Seibel

Active Founders

Ben Share

Hey! I'm Ben. I grew up in San Francisco, with a childhood featuring many dogs, musicals, and math competitions. I took my first CS class in high school, and instantly fell in love. Since then I've been building pretty much non-stop--first at Stanford, then at Google, and with many side projects along the way. So excited to be working on Dime, and especially to be doing it with one of my best friends, Aaron. Some other favorite things include sci-fi, Dance Dance Revolution, and hot chocolate.

Ben Share
Ben Share

Aaron Barbieri-Aghib

Hi! I'm Aaron. I grew up in San Francisco, studied math and biology at the University of Chicago, and eventually went on to work as a software engineer at a high frequency trading firm. After a super fun but somewhat emotionally dissatisfying year and a half, I started Dime with Ben! When I'm not working on Dime, you can find me at the local dog park, swimming in lake Michigan, or getting absolutely wrecked on chess.com

Aaron Barbieri-Aghib
Aaron Barbieri-Aghib