just words

just words

Infrastructure & LLMs for content ranking

We give large companies the infrastructure and LLMs to manage, translate, and optimize content on emails, push notifications, websites, and apps. We built similar software at Twitter and Pinterest that lifted user growth by 20%.

just words
Team Size:2
Location:San Francisco
Group Partner:Michael Seibel

Active Founders

Neha Mittal

Neha Mittal is the CEO & Co-founder of just words. She was the head of product for Retention & Growth at Pinterest and at Twitter. She also co-founded CityStructure and was the founding engineer at Sensorflow. She has also held product & engineering roles at the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and Goldman Sachs.

Neha Mittal
Neha Mittal
just words

Company Launches

tldr: just words uses AI to optimize product copy for large companies. We built similar systems at Twitter and Pinterest, boosting user growth by 20%.

We help companies scientifically pick the right words for their product copy (eg: landing page titles, notifications). Instead of trying a new title for your website every few days, just words objectively evaluates copies based on performance and fine tunes future copies based on experiment insights.

We first observed this pain at Twitter. Our teams started building internal tooling to gain experimentation velocity on copy. We then saw the same problem at Reddit and Pinterest. Now, having spent 9 years collectively in the growth space, we believe there is enough evidence for this approach across the industry.

❌ the problem

1. It takes effort to come up with good copy (eg: for your landing page, email subjects). It’s work to scientifically measure which copy resonates the best with your users. Copies are hard-coded, either directly in code or in config files. As a result, every small change requires redeployment of the app. One copy change becomes a 2-week project on an engineer’s roadmap, and companies are only able to prioritize a small number of changes a year.

2. There is no “copy repository”, so companies lose track of the history of changes on a particular string, learnings from past experiments, and their occurrences across the product. With no holistic view, product teams make copy changes based on “vibes”. There is no way to fine-tune the next iterations of copy based on patterns obtained from previous experiments.

3. No context-based optimization: Companies either test 1 copy change at a time for all users, or rotate a pool of copies randomly. In an ideal world, they should be able to present the best copy to different users based on their context.

✨ our solution

Always show users the best copy through continuous experimentation and fine-tuning.

⚙️ how it works

1. no code A/B testing: Performance test many variations of a copy with 1 click.

2. copy versioning: Think Github for copy iterations. See the entire history and performance of copies across product features.

3. copy fine-tuning: Get tailored insights to fine-tune next iterations.

4. personalized copy rotation: Dynamically rotate different variations across users.

🙏 asks

1. Check out justwords.ai and book a demo for your use case (email, sms, push, landing page titles).

2. Connect us to your growth & marketing teams. Book a 30 min slot with us or drop us an email at founders@justwords.ai.

Hear from the founders

How did your company get started? (i.e., How did the founders meet? How did you come up with the idea? How did you decide to be a founder?)

When we were heading Growth at Twitter, we saw the power of copy changes. When we tweaked a push notification from “Elon tweeted” to “Elon just tweeted”, we gained 800K additional users. We never underestimated the power of copy since that day. The company funded it as a big investment in the difficult years when Twitter’s growth was tanking. However, each change would take 3-6 months to pick, test, approve, and ship. We also didn’t know how to use those learnings systematically to prioritize the next copy change. We started building internal tools to automate this and gained 20% additional user growth. We stumbled upon similar problems and “vision docs” at Pinterest. We knew we were staring at money on the table. We quit our jobs to build just words.

What is your long-term vision? If you truly succeed, what will be different about the world?

The future of content is not an AI monologue. It is very much a dialogue between companies and their users. They need to meet their users where they are.Until now, there was no reason to build infrastructure to manage, rank, and compare 1000s of copy variants. Why? Because we were bottlenecked by the human effort required in writing copy. In the new AI-powered world, businesses will need infrastructure to manage, and continuously test infinite copy variations across users and products. A copy-ranking infrastructure will be table stakes for any business to survive. It will be powered by just words**. **