
Replacing 20 Million Salespeople With AI

Jobs at Kula

San Francisco, CA, US
$70K - $100K
0.10% - 0.50%
1+ years
London, England, GB
$50K - $70K
0.10% - 0.50%
1+ years
San Francisco, CA, US
$150K - $200K
0.10% - 3.00%
Any (new grads ok)

Why you should join Kula

Hey! We're Kula. We believe human salespeople will be replaced by AI, and we’re working to build that future.

Our growth rate has rocketed up (reach out for specific numbers). We're now hiring to keep up with demand.

Kula is being built by a team of MIT, IIT, Cambridge and Oxford grads, backed by some of the best investors in the world, including Y-Combinator, Entrepreneur First, Acequia Capital and angel investors behind companies like Ironclad, OpenSea and Stripe.

Team Size:11
Location:London, United Kingdom
Nelson Jones
Nelson Jones
Saaras Mehan
Saaras Mehan