Mesh Analytics

AI Marketing & Sales Analytics for B2B

Jobs at Mesh Analytics

No jobs at Mesh Analytics are currently posted on the YC platform.

Why you should join Mesh Analytics

At Mesh Analytics, we’re on a mission to redefine how B2B businesses harness their data to make revenue driving decisions. In the past couple months we raised our seed round, closed multiple enterprise customers, and are expanding our team to support product demand. Now is the time to join! 🦄 🔥

Mesh is a revenue analytics platform that ties together millions of rows of marketing and sales data, through one-click integrations, fingerprint identification, and anonymous IP resolution to help B2B businesses make better decisions on where to invest their resources. Our AI analyzes attribution across channels and recommends concrete actions a business can take next to maximize the likelihood deals will close. We’re solving one of the largest, most universal challenges for our customers - “how do I close more customers?”

Mesh Analytics
Team Size:4
Location:New York
Ron Fisher
Ron Fisher
Vivek Sudarsan
Vivek Sudarsan
Mike Wang
Mike Wang