OpsBerry AI

OpsBerry AI

AI automation platform for DevOps and SRE workflows

AI-powered workflow automation that helps technical operations teams achieve operational zen. DevOps, SREs, and other technical operations teams use OpsBerry to deploy AI-assisted workflows that automate incident response and repetitive operational tasks. Reduce toil, improve system reliability, and give your on-call teams the help they deserve.

OpsBerry AI
Team Size:2
Location:Las Vegas, NV
Group Partner:Garry Tan

Active Founders

Carlos Feliciano

Co-founder and CEO of OpsBerry AI. Over a decade of experience in Infrastructure, monitoring, and operations at YC-backed startups and large enterprises. AWS Solutions Architect. Love PC gaming, fitness, the beach, and just good vibes!

Carlos Feliciano
Carlos Feliciano
OpsBerry AI

Casey Wilcox

Founder & CTO. Currently building the best monitoring platform for web3, Monitaur.xyz

Casey Wilcox
Casey Wilcox
OpsBerry AI

Company Photo

Company Photo

Hear from the founders

How did your company get started? (i.e., How did the founders meet? How did you come up with the idea? How did you decide to be a founder?)

Casey and I met on Buildpsace.so. Casey was one of the first teachers on the platform educating people on how to build Web3 applications. I was a student on the platform learning how to build react web3 apps and Casey happened to live up the street in a Discord community with over 50k students. We met IRL and started building in Nov 2021.The company started at a Starbucks with a vision to build crypto fintech software, but after several pivots, we decided to build in the monitoring and observability space in Web3. We came up with this idea because we have over a decade of experience in building decentralized applications and working in the infrastructure, monitoring, and Operations industry across startups and enterprises.

How did you decide to apply to Y Combinator? What was your experience applying, going through the batch, and fundraising at demo day?

We applied 3 times with 3 different ideas and were denied twice. We ended up applying one last time with Monitaur and got into the program as one of three Web3 companies in this batch! It was tough getting turned down the first few times, but we kept at it. We were pushed by a friend of ours to go back the third time and it worked.

What's the history of your company from getting started until the present day? What were the big inflection points?

We first built Luumen Finance, which was a budgeting tool for crypto in November of 2022. After a few months of building, we learned that building integrations for these types of tools was extremely difficult and decided to pivot in Feb of 2023. We ended up building and launching Hatchfi, a Plaid for crypto. We raised money and built an amazing product, but after several months, we learned that we were too early to the market, even after several micro pivots. We officially did a hard pivot in April of 2023 and are now building Monitaur, a Datadog for Web3.

What is the core problem you are solving? Why is this a big problem? What made you decide to work on it?

observability into decentralized applications is still very siloed and manual. Tooling that exists today only solves a portion of the observability problem and tends to focus on individual developers with tool interoperability being almost non-existent. If decentralized applications are to be used and leveraged at scale within institutions and enterprises, there needs to be a tool that is capable of instilling operational excellence including, but not limited to: cross team functionality, interoperability and hybrid application support.

What is your long-term vision? If you truly succeed, what will be different about the world?

Long term vision is to be a household name like Datadog or Airbnb, specifically in the Web3 observability space. We want to build a strong company that helps facilitate the adoption of crypto in the mainstream. We truly believe in the power of crypto and how it will change the future of finance and infrastructure.

YC S23 Application Video