
AI-powered Snowflake for unstructured data

Jobs at Trellis

San Francisco, CA, US
$40K - $130K
San Francisco, CA, US
$110K - $225K
0.10% - 1.50%
3+ years
San Francisco, CA, US
$100K - $225K
0.30% - 1.20%
3+ years

Why you should join Trellis

Trellis converts your unstructured data into SQL-compliant tables with a schema you define in natural language. With Trellis, you can now run SQL queries on complex data sources like financial documents, contracts, and emails. Our AI engine guarantees accurate schema and results.

Leading enterprises use Trellis to:

  1. Unlock hidden revenue in their customer data (e.g., Underwriting teams use Trellis to extract key features from transaction data and build better risk models.)
  2. Supercharge RAG applications by enabling end-users to ask analytical questions not possible before with traditional Vector DB (e.g., what are the top three features that users are requesting)
  3. Enrich their data warehouse with business-critical information (e.g., Retrieving detailed pricing and quantity information of products sold on competitor websites)
Team Size:2
Mac Klinkachorn
Mac Klinkachorn
Jacky Lin
Jacky Lin