

Add powerful collaboration features to your product ridiculously fast.

Our mission is to make the web more collaborative. We're not just making collaboration faster—we're crafting it to be the best. Today we’re all using online platforms more than ever before - building, researching, learning, connecting etc. And we're not doing it alone. We're doing it together with other people and machines, turning the internet into the world's biggest team. Yet, the web was built for solo voyages. We saw a shift when platforms like Figma and Google Docs brought a multiplayer approach, breaking down walls and inspiring seamless teamwork. At Velt, we're taking it further. We're on a mission to infuse the magic of collaboration into the fabric of the web—one app at a time. We aim to erase the lines between online and offline co-working, crafting an environment where distance is irrelevant, and 'flow' is the norm. Right now, more than half of work hours are spent on coordination and communication—less on creating. With Velt, we're setting out to reverse these figures, reducing time spent on logistical issues by over 90%. Imagine what we can create when we spend less time talking about work and more time doing it! We're building a better web—a web for us, for our team, for everyone. Join us, and let's accelerate the future of web together 🚀 Our Products: - Velt Collaboration SDK (https://velt.dev/): JS SDK to add powerful collaboration experiences to your own product for your end-users. This helps you ship such experiences ridiculously fast, increase user growth and engagement. - Superflow (https://usesuperflow.com/): JS plugin to enable product, marketing and design teams to comment and collaborate directly on their websites. This helps them iterate and ship their products 10x faster. We’re a team of ex-Googlers. We've launched products like Augmented Reality in Google Search & Maps. Come build a better web with us 🚀

Jobs at Velt

IN / Remote (IN)
₹1.5M - ₹2.5M INR
0.50% - 1.00%
3+ years
San Francisco, CA
$90K - $110K
0.50% - 1.00%
3+ years
Team Size:15
Location:San Francisco

Active Founders

Rakesh Goyal

I am the co-founder & CEO of Velt. Previously, I was a Product Manager at Google for 9 yrs. I've launched strategic products like AR in Google Maps & Search. Nothing great was ever built alone. Technology has made the world a small place. It enables people to work together no matter where they are. This was never possible before. Velt will make the world more collaborative & build more great things. I grew up in India & now live in San Francisco. I love camping 🏕 & star gazing 🌌

Rakesh Goyal
Rakesh Goyal

Company Launches

TL;DR: Build powerful commenting features into your SaaS product crazy fast. Make it just as collaborative as the big dogs—Google Docs, Sheets, Figma, Frame io... Keep your users collaborating in your app instead of Slack or Zoom. Watch your engagement soar.

Demo Video

🤔 Why?

Your customers want to have discussions within your product – feedback, questions, ideas. Since they can’t do it in your product, they move off-platform to slack, emails, zoom etc.. It's friction for your customers (and you'll watch their engagement drop.)

Luckily, the solution is simple. Add a comment layer across your product. Let customers comment and discuss anywhere, without opening up Slack or Gmail.

I know what you're thinking. "How am I going to build that? That's months of engineering and product effort we haven't scoped in."

✅ Solution

We built a complete full-stack Comments feature components for any SaaS product. Embed it anywhere and enable experiences you see in your favorite products like Google Docs, Figma, Sheets and more.

Backend, Frontend - all included.

✅ Products that benefit from commenting

  • Video tools: Frame-by-frame feedback on videos
  • Documentation tools: Inline comments for better edits
  • Analytics / Data tools: Questions answered directly on charts and tables
  • Design tools: Review design assets
  • Form builders, CRMs and so many more

🚀 Key Features

  • Commenting Styles: Google Sheets, Google Docs, Notion, Figma, Frame.io, Charts, etc.
  • Loom-style audio, video, screen recording
  • Task management: Statuses, Priority, approval, @ mention
  • Intelligence: AI categorization, AI transcription
  • Customize layout, css & behavior
  • In-app notifications, email notifications, realtime Webhooks
  • Performant and Robust: Buttery smooth. Binds and adapts to changes in your DOM and data.

🚀 Try here: https://velt.dev/comments

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