Yuma AI

The AI Support Agent for Ecommerce

## What is Yuma AI? Yuma is automating customer support by providing an AI Support Agent orchestration platform. Yuma provides autonomous AI agents dedicated to customer service and e-commerce. We integrate directly with help desk software (Zendesk, Kustomer, Gorgias, etc.) and focus on helping large Shopify merchants deal with their high volume of support requests. Top merchants using Yuma can automate up to 60% of their support tickets fully autonomously. ## Why do Shopify merchants need Yuma? There are thousands of large Shopify merchants around the world generating $10M+ a year. Most of them have taken over some niches and are great at what they do: selling their products. But they all have one thing in common: they all hate customer support. It's a burden for them and a huge source of cost, as they receive hundreds of requests per day. Some of them have dozens of support agents on staff, usually offshore, and the overall quality is still often pretty poor while staff turnover remains high. Those merchants have been promised automation for years but have always been disappointed by the outcome. As customers, we have all had to live through a terrible support automation experience before, so this is no secret, and everyone knows that the current state of the technology is quite bad. ## Yuma is solving this in a few ways: Yuma isn't just another RAG chatbot. Our platform provides autonomous AI agents dedicated to support and ecommerce. These agents are powered by knowledge, follow processes, and are managed by our in-house AI orchestration technology. This ensures safety, control, and quality at every step. We believe that to truly automate customer support, we must develop a platform that mimics the actions of a human support agent. That's exactly what we've been doing. Currently, our top merchants are automating 60% of their support tickets through Yuma. Yuma can fetch information from external services and take actions in other apps as needed to resolve each ticket. We are laser-focused on building the best AI support agent platform and aim to achieve 80% true automation in the next few months. ## Fun Fact Yuma got started by accident. This is my third YC startup after Socialcam (W12) and Triplebyte (S15). I released Yuma as a prototype for fun in mid-December 2022 and was overwhelmed with demo requests. That's when I knew I was onto something and had to turn this into a real company, once again.

Jobs at Yuma AI

Yuma AI
Team Size:12
Group Partner:Jared Friedman

Active Founders

Guillaume Luccisano

Currently Founder @ Yuma (W23) - Previously Co-Founder at Triplebyte (S15) & Socialcam (W12) - Seed Investor in 60+ companies.

Guillaume Luccisano
Guillaume Luccisano
Yuma AI

Company Launches

TL;DR: Thousands of large Shopify stores all share the same pain: a costly and inefficient customer support. Yuma leverages LLMs and integrates directly with help desks to automate away their high volume of support requests.

The Yuma Story

Hi everyone,

I'm G and I'm very pleased to be launching Yuma, my third company!

I did YC twice before already, with Socialcam (W12) and Triplebyte (S15). It seems like I just can't help myself, and I had to do it all over again.

This time around, however, it's a little bit special as Yuma was launched by accident šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. I released a prototype in December 2022, and my inbox was inundated with installation requests from Shopify merchants. That's when I knew I was onto something, and I decided to take the plunge. Having experienced that roller coaster ride before, I know exactly what I am signing up for again and I am thrilled about the long and eventful journey that lies ahead.

Why do Shopify merchants need Yuma?

There are thousands of Shopify merchants around the world generating $10M+ a year, and they all have one thing in common: they all hate customer support. It's a burden for them and a huge source of cost as they receive hundreds of requests per day. Some of them have dozens of support agents on staff, usually offshore, and the overall quality is still often pretty poor, while staff turnover remains high.

Those merchants have been promised automation for years, but the technology has always fallen short, leaving them disappointed. As customers, we have all had to live through a terrible support automation experience before, so it's no secret that the available current solutions are pretty bad.

This has to change, and we believe that the technology is finally there to fix this problem once and for all. Of course, our goal is for Yuma to do it :)

The main things Yuma can do for merchants today:

  • One-click install into help desks: no configuration required, zero adoption cost, and no change in workflows for the support agents.
  • By combining LLMs with custom knowledge bases, Yuma suggests drafts to support agents.
  • By analyzing historical tickets, Yuma can copy the writing style of any brand, but also understand and replicate their current workflows autonomously.
  • By bringing the power of LLMs to rules and templates, Yuma delivers a new type of dynamic workflow that wasn't possible before.

Yuma is already live on Gorgias at the moment, and our Zendesk app will be live in a few weeks.

Our ask šŸ™

Do a good deed today and save a Shopify merchant in your network by telling them about Yuma. They will be forever grateful! Not only that, they will receive a white-glove onboarding experience along with a 7-day free trial. :)

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Thank you for reading!
