Leada (YC S15) Helps Professors Teach The Most In-Demand Data Science Skills

by Alexis Ohanian7/23/2015

Most students go to college to get a job, but all too often, graduates don’t feel like they’ve been equipped with the skills they need to get employed in the current job market.

Leada is a startup in our current class that helps college educators teach the most in-demand technical career skills, complementing professors’ traditional lessons with effective modern online content. Leada’s flagship product focuses on data science and analysis — one of the most coveted skills for employers today.

VentureBeat’s Ken Yeung wrote about Leada in a story published this week:

“Started by Brian Liou and Tristan Tao, both University of California,
Berkeley graduates, Leada tackles an issue both founders had: The
university hadn’t taught them employable skills in the data science
industry, just theories. They tried using Codecademy, but Liou said that it was limited to introducing students to skills. Coursera just didn’t work for them either.

The result is Leada, a Y Combinator-backed program that professors
can use to give students actual experience tackling data analysis
problems from industry.

…’We believe data science is a fundamental skill for everyone,’ he said. ‘I really feel that the data science niche will be very large and always
think about the pain point we solve being applied to other industries.'”

Read more in-depth about Leada, how it works, and where it’s available in VentureBeat here.


  • Alexis Ohanian