“Meet Trackin, a complete software solution for restaurant managers to control your fleet of delivery persons in real time and easily accept online orders. Trackin provides a dashboard for your restaurants, a mobile app for your drivers and an online order widget for your customers. Thanks to this startup attending Y Combinator’s current batch, you will know when your driver is back and when to start cooking.
“With Trackin, you can track your drivers like in Uber’s app, and your clients can do the same as well,” founder and CEO Bruno Didier told me in a phone interview. “We can tell you what are your best delivery zones, and we’re a white label service.”
The dashboard centralizes all your orders, including on third-party websites. People can order on your website using Trackin’s online order widget, GrubHub, Eat24 and other online ordering platforms, and every order will end up in Trackin. And of course, if someone calls you, you can manually add an order to your dashboard.”